Are you not satisfied with the products or services from Gabinova B.V.? We are most certainly disappointed. We will do anything to help you find a solution for your complaint.
How do we handle complaints?
1. When you have a complaint about an order you made through our webshop, please report this as soon as possible by mail or post address.
Gabinova B.V.
Kanaalweg 14
7761 PH Schoonebeek
The Netherlands
Please describe your complaint as clearly as possible and indicate how we can reach you during the day.
2. Within 3 workdays after receiving your complaint, you will receive a response to your complaint with our solution. We will handle this by email.
3. When you are not satisfied with our solution, you can pass on your complaint to the Webshop Keurmerk Foundation or the Dutch Foundation for Consumer Complaints Board Webshop (de Geschillencommissie Webshop).
Webshop 'Keurmerk Foundation'
Gabinova B.V. is a member of the Webshop Keurmerk Foundation. This means that we follow the foundation’s settlement of consumer disputes. The conditions for disputes are listed in our Terms & Conditions, article 15:
1. Contracts between the Entrepreneur and the Consumer, to which these General Terms and Conditions apply, are exclusively governed by Dutch law.
2. Disputes between the Consumer and the Entrepreneur about the formation or the performance of contracts related to products or services to be delivered or that have been delivered by this Entrepreneur can be submitted with the Geschillencommissie Webshop, Postbus 90600, 2509 LP in The Hague (Den Haag) ( with due observance of the provisions set out below.
3. A dispute is handled by the Disputes Committee [Geschillencommissie] only if the Consumer submitted his/her complaint to the Entrepreneur within a reasonable period.
4. Within three months after the dispute arose, the dispute must have been filed in writing to the Geschillencommissie Webshop.
5. When the consumer wants to submit a dispute to the Geschillencommissie, the member is bound by this choice. When the entrepreneur wants to file the dispute to the Geschillencommissie, a consumer must speak out in writing within five weeks after a written request made by the member whether he so desires or wants the dispute to be dealt with by the competent court. Doesn’t hear the member the consumer’s choice within the period of five weeks, the entrepreneur is entitled to submit the dispute to the competent court.
6. The Geschillencommissie’s decision will be made under the conditions as set out in the rules of the Arbitration Commission. A decision of the Geschillencommissie is a binding advice.
7. The Disputes Committee will not handle a dispute or will discontinue handling it if the Entrepreneur is granted a moratorium, goes bankrupt or actually ended his business activities.
8. If in addition to the Geschillencommissie Webshop another disputes committee recognised by or affiliated with the Stichting Geschillencommissies voor Consumentenzaken (SGC) [Foundation for Consumer Complaints Committees] or the Klachteninstituut Financiële Dienstverlening (Kifid) [Financial Services Complaints Board] is competent, this other Disputes Committee is exclusively competent.
Were you unable to find a solution, you can turn to the Webshop Keurmerk Foundation. They will research your complaint and try to find a solution for the problem. If, in the opinion of the Webshop Keurmerk Foundation, we have not solved the problem adequately, Gabinova B.V.’s right to carry out the Webshop Keurmerk logo can be deprived. We can also be suspended for a period of time. A suspension will be lifted when a complaint has proved to be unfair or when it has been solved satisfactorily. It is also possible that the right to use the Keurmerk logo will be suspended permanently.
Dutch Foundation for Consumer Complaints Board Webshop
If the complaint has not been solved satisfactorily, you can address the Dutch Foundation for Consumer Complaints Board Webshop as a last resort. The Dutch Foundation for Consumer Complaints Board Webshop is managed by the Stichting Geschillencommissie ( Please see the website for more information about the activities of the Dutch Foundation for Consumer Complaints Board.